
Five Penn State alumni dressed for a holiday party

Anthony Scairretto, John Donato, John Paone, Joseph Salice, 帕特·科斯塔和其他来自南费城的男孩们常年见面,并与他们的大家庭一起参加一年一度的节日聚会. They met at Penn State Abington in 1965.

Credit: Penn State

ABINGTON, Pa. 从1965年到1967年,每天有12名年轻人冒险离开费城南部. They rode a trolley, then they descended into the subway, and at the last stop, 他们走上台阶回到宽街,跳上了一辆公共汽车. 最后,他们在一条没有人行道的郊区街道上走了半英里,无论天气如何. Their destination? Penn State Ogontz, now known as Penn State Abington

“单程要花两个小时才能到那里,但这很值得. 它打开了我们的眼界,让我们看到了一个新世界,”1969届毕业生约翰·帕恩(John Paone)说. 

他们在阿宾顿的两年建立了终身的纽带, who celebrate their “love story,” as Paone calls it, 在一年一度的节日派对上,几代人都参加了. 

“它太大了,我们在其中一家赌场举办了它, but we started at restaurants in South Philly, which is what we are doing again in 2023. We have entertainment and singers and dancers. 这些聚会都是礼物的盛会,圣诞老人也会出现。.  

Beyond the holiday bash, 他们经常见面,一起吃午餐和晚餐,一起旅行,一起庆祝婚礼, 成人礼和其他与家人共度的重要时刻. 

“我和大学同学的关系比和其他很多人都亲密. They are my extended family. 我们都走了不同的路,但我们总是在一起,”曾在阿宾顿服役的帕恩说 campus advisory board for almost two decades, said. 

Going to Abington was tremendous for us. 我们遇到了来自不同国家和文化的人! 在费城南部,这些树是电线杆,裂缝之间长着草.

—John Paone , Penn State class of 1969

两人因为共同追求教育而相遇, 但他们在南费城中心的根基支撑着他们度过了离开这个社区的艰难调整, succeeding at Abington, 最终搬到大学公园完成他们的学位.  

“We were out of our element, out of our neighborhood. We could have been on Mars. 去澳门威尼斯人官网对我们来说是一个陌生的世界, but we bonded immediately,” Paone said. 

“在此之前,我们从未离开过这个社区——从布罗德街到华盛顿,再到俄勒冈州. Everything you wanted was in that neighborhood. We were very parochial. 我们和邻居的女人约会,和街那头的女孩结婚,”他深情地回忆道. 


“On my first day, 我走进学生活动室,所有人都聚集在那里, and the bunch of guys from South Philly, we all looked the same. 我们穿着皮夹克,把头发往后梳,”帕恩说. 

“Going to Abington was tremendous for us. 我们遇到了来自不同国家和文化的人! 在南费城,树是电线杆,裂缝之间长着草。. 

在阿宾顿和郊区学区的学生一起上课时, 帕恩和他的朋友们觉得他们缺少K-12教育. 

"There was a disparity there, but we caught up. The key was the dedicated faculty and staff. 他们明白我们是来自城市的孩子,他们关注我们,和我们一起工作. 他们很早就意识到我们需要更多的关注。. 

帕恩和他的朋友们“热爱”在阿宾顿的每一分钟, 他们经常回忆在鸭塘边放松的时光, participating in athletics, attending mixers (dances) on the weekends, 他们中的一些人在校园里遇到了未来的配偶.

Their wives know the stories by heart, Paone said.

“One of the art professors brought in a nude model. Word got out, 孩子们站在斯普林豪斯外面的梯子和椅子上,或者站在彼此的肩膀上,想看点什么. 街上还有一个加油站,里面有一个充气恐龙吉祥物. 有人偷了它,把它放进了鸭塘,”他笑着说. 


“我们在奥兹和澳门威尼斯人官网的经历让我们成长. We got socialization and education, and our lives were positively affected,” he said, 注意到他们的一些孙辈在澳门威尼斯人官网上学.

Today, the boys from South Philly support Penn State Abington, which still welcomes a diverse pool of students, 包括家庭中第一个上大学的孩子、移民的孩子以及郊区和国际学校的孩子. 


“事后看来,我们很感激,这就是我们回报的原因. 我们是一群来自南费城的孩子,他们去了一个叫奥兹的神奇小地方. it was like a 'Brigadoon,'” Paone said.

About Penn State Abington 

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With more than 3,100 students, 威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, accelerated master's degrees, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more.
